Jorge Ryusho Lopez Doriga, Sensei | II. Generation > Successor to Tenkei Coppens Roshi

Ryusho was born in Madrid, and since an early age suffered from ‘cultural claustrophobia’, being raised in a Spain of Franco and pre-post Franco times. So travelling has always been an important part of his life. After studying marketing at the American University in Paris and Georgia State University in Atlanta, he did a master program in Thunderbird in Phoenix, Arizona, where he also met his wife Veronica. He went on to work with Walt Disney Studios and led their European marketing from London, UK, where he did his first sesshin with Genpo Roshi. Later he moved to Chile to work for Sony BMG and, during a sabbatical, moved to Salt Lake City to train at Kanzeon Zen Center. There he met Tenkei; Ryusho actually attended the last of the desert retreats Tenkei and Tammy used to organize, suddenly appearing on Hatch Point in Southern Utah in his tuxedo – straight from the Grammy’s celebrations in L.A.
When Tenkei and Tammy established Zen River Temple in The Netherlands in 2001, Ryusho was one of the first ones to join, flying in from wherever his home base happened to be. No wonder Tenkei gave him the name Ryusho, Flying Dragon, during his Jukai in 2003. Meanwhile he set up an enthusiastic Zen River group in Madrid that Tenkei and Tammy visit annually; he did the same in Lima and most recently in Bangkok where he now lives with his wife and two children and works as the CMO of a large beverage company. He completed his Lay Hossenshiki in 2005 and received Hoshi in 2009. Over the last few years Ryusho has often accompanied Tenkei on international Buddhist conferences in China, Thailand and Vietnam, closely following the new and fascinating developments of Asian Buddhism. Because of special karmic circumstances he was invited on a fishing trip with the king of Bhutan and since then has created promising connections with spiritual and political leaders of that country, including the secretary general of monastic affairs and the minister of the Gross National Happiness Commission.
Ryusho Sensei set up an enthusiastic Zen River group in Madrid that Tenkei Roshi and Tammy visit annually; he did the same in Lima and most recently in Bangkok where he now lives with his wife and two children and works as the CMO of a large beverage company.