Nancy Genshin Gabrysch, Roshi | I. Generation

Nancy Genshin Gabrysch was born in Scotland in 1937. She entered fine art studies in 1954 at the Slade School University College in London, followed by a year of post graduate studies. At the London University Institute of Education she studied teaching and then pursued a career as a painter and teacher, whilst raising a family.
Genshin became certified in art therapy in 1978 and worked in hospital and private settings. In 1983 while studying Individual Psychotherapy at Liverpool University, she met Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi. She then devoted herself to studying Zen. Genshin later moved to Bar Harbor and then Salt Lake City, where Genpo Roshi was teaching, to continue Zen training which included more than 12 years of residential practice. In January 1998 Genshin received Hoshi. From 1999 – 2004, she led a satellite group of Kanzeon Zen Center in Park City, Utah. Genshin Sensei received Shiho (Dharma-Transmission) from Genpo Roshi in May 2006. She currently lives in England where she has a zendo (Kannon-ji) in Bilsborrow, near Preston, Lancashire.
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